Artists For Change is heading down to Tijuana, Mexico on August 3rd to bring donated items to families and other individuals in need. This expedition is in partnership with the nonprofit G.I.F.T. (Global Initiative to Free Trafficking Victims), and we will be creating media content help raise awareness for the wonderful work they do to help protect vulnerable kids against traffickers.
We are also collecting items to donate such as sheets, clothing, hygiene products, cooking utensils, and gift bags. Families who lack these basic items become more vulnerable to the manipulations of traffickers because the life they propose seems preferable to a life spent desperate to break free from poverty.
If you want to help and have things that could help please drop them off between 10-6pm at our office located at 1424 North Kings Road, LA 90069 before we take off Friday, August 3rd at 6pm.
Together we can help make a difference!