In the wake of global turmoil and Hollywood’s re-examination of its codes of conduct, the launch of Artists for Change, the non-profit that is committed to playing a critical role in stimulating social change through film and digital content, arrives at a critical time. Founder Julia Verdin, an accomplished producer and award-winning director, brought together a group of like-minded film industry individuals in her belief that the power of collective voice can make a change. Verdin says, “Those of us who work in the film and TV industries carry an incredible responsibility in these troubled times”.
Artists for Change plans to engage audiences through narrative media – spanning film and TV, podcasts, VR and webseries— to create a deeper understanding and empathy for social problems and inspire audiences to use their voice and support the issues.
Veteran film industry executive, Gary Dartnall, Board Member for Artists for Change, passionately supports the organization’s goals. “I think important issues with little attention can benefit from visual stories, both narrative and documentary, to send a message to the world,” says Dartnall, “Artists for Change plans to use the power of film to inspire change.”
FULL ARTICLE: http://www.cinemawithoutborders.com/artists-for-change/